An entire book was written in DNA and you can buy it for 60 dollars
As the rhythm of humanity data creation increases exponentially with the rise of AI, Scientists have been interested in DNA ...
As the rhythm of humanity data creation increases exponentially with the rise of AI, Scientists have been interested in DNA ...
An international research team has observed that the introduction of a fluorine atom in certain key positions of the DNA ...
REVIEW of: Madrid The Basque Marcela Navascués debuts at the Freijo Gallery with a photographic project that unites the ancestral ...
2,000 years ago, the Celtic societies that lived in what is now southern Britain were matrilocal and matrilineal, that is, ...
The marsupial mole, a creature as enigmatic as it is fascinating, glides beneath the sands of remote Australian deserts as ...
On the outskirts of the English city of York there is a Roman-era cemetery where the bodies of more than ...
On the eve of turning 23 years of murder of Helena Jubanythe DNA finally pointed to a suspect: the person ...
great rivalries of science Scientists Watson and Crick appropriated the discovery, for which they also won a Nobel Prize. Rosalind ...
As the American journalist and popularizer likes to remember Carl Zimmertoday there is more Neanderthal DNA on Earth than when ...
The DNA of 15% of Galicians will form part of a large data bank that will be available for researchers ...