The cause of Schönlein-Henoch’s purple is unknown. It is known that it is a vasculitis mediated by immunoglobulin A (IgA) of the small vessels. IGA is an antibody that prevents infectious pathogens from accessing plasma. In cases of Purple of Schönlein-Henoch there is an increase in IgA production.
The triggers of the disease can be:
– A streptococcus.
-Viruses such as the eipsten-barr, chickenpox or parvovirusb-19 entities.
– Drugs such as: penicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, quinine.
– Some foods.
– Exposure to cold.
– Insect bites.
The risk factors for suffering from Schönlein-Henoch purple are:
– Age. Most cases occur between 2 and 6 years.
– Be white.
– Time of year: cases are presented in autumn, winter and spring; almost never in summer.
Schönlein-Henoch purple symptoms
Cutaneous eruption, inflammation and joint pain among others
Schönlein-Henoch’s purple symptoms are:
– Cutaneous symptoms: generalized cutaneous eruption (exanthema), palpable, with urticaria erythema.
– Articular symptoms: arthritis or transitory pain of the joints. Ankles or knees are inflamed.
– Gastrointestinal signs: abdominal pain that usually appears after the rash. There may be bleeding in feces.
– Blood -related symptoms: predisposition to present bleeding and/or thrombocytosis.
– Testicular signs: pain and inflammation in the testicles or hematoma in the scrotum at risk of torsion.
The complications that may appear because of this disease are:
– Renal damage, the most serious. It may require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
– Intestinal obstruction that can cause intestinal invagination: a part of the intestine folds in itself as a telescope that prevents the transit of food and substances. The hospital must be used urgently. It requires surgical intervention.
Diagnosis of Purple of Schönlein-Henoch
Physical exam, urine blood analysis, skin biopsy and other tests
In the physical examination, skin has to be explored looking for edemas on the face, scalp, scrotum … The inflammation of the joints will also be assessed and careful abdominal palpation will be made. Blood analysis will be done to detect, for example, if there is leukocytosis; and urine analysis to confirm if there is renal damage. Other tests are abdominal ultrasound, thorax radiography if there is suspicion of pulmonary involvement and a cranial computerized tomography to locate neurological signs.
In general, the purple of Henoch-Schönlein has a good prognosis since it usually disappears on its own after one month. There may be shoots.
Treatment and medication of Purple of Schönlein-Henoch
Rest, hydration and analgesics
There is no specific treatment for Henoch-Schönlein purple. The usual thing is that it disappears after a month. The recommended guideline is to rest, drink liquid in abundance and take analgesics to relieve pain.
If there is suspicion intestinal invagination, corrective surgery will be necessary.
Purple prevention of Schönlein-Henoch
There is no
No prevention guidelines for this disease have been described.