Veoza. It is probably a name unknown to many. Now, for other people it is a medication that has recently been introduced to treat all menopausal hot flashes. And why is it a trend on social networks? It is clear: the medicines agencies of the European Union (EMA) and the United States (FDA) have issued a warning about a possible serious side effect.
In depth
Apparently, this effect would be closely linked to severe liver damage. Although it has not yet been included in the drug’s package insert, from the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has already been strongly warned that Those who consume it or plan to start this treatment should be aware of everything that surrounds them..
Among other things, the leaflet includes side effects as insomnia, diarrhea, abdominal pain and elevation of all liver enzymes in blood tests. However, at the end of 2024 the EMA and the FDA spoke of a new effect: the risk of liver damage.
More details
In addition to being an effect queerit is considered serious and requires attention urgent. The main symptoms that could indicate a liver problem include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, itchy skin, white stools, abdominal bloating or pain in the upper abdomen.
Given this situation, it is worth noting that if you suffer any of these signs while taking Veoza, it is recommended that you Stop treatment immediately and see a doctor quickly..
To take into account
It should be noted that The price of the Veoza container with 28 tablets is 74.31 euros, requires a prescription and is not yet financed by public health. The recommended dose is one 45 mg tablet taken orally once a day.
The efficacy and safety has been proven in three clinical trials in which more than 2,500 women have participated. All the results have shown that The drug reduces moderate to severe hot flashes and sweating from the first week of administration.
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