Another inexplicable defeat to which there are no answers. Barça was eliminated from the Copa del Rey against Tenerife at its premiere in the tournament and a dejected Joan Peñarroya did not know how to offer convincing explanations, it was not easy for a night for the black legend of the section.
“My figure is what matters least right now,” he answered with little encouragement the Barca coach about his short -term future. No one escapes that the foci of criticism will focus on Egarense and that decisions can precipitate after defeat.
“The team cannot excuse Pinter’s injury”
One of the key moments of the game arrived recently the second half, when Punter was injured in the left shoulder and could no longer return to parquet. “A problem has been exacerbated for a long time,” Peñarroya unveiled over the American. Many things have happened to us this year: Lapro, Vesely … but it is not an excuse, the team cannot excuse this circumstance and I mean everyone, I include. ”
The template speech was more forceful. “My second part has been unfortunate,” admitted a Brizuela that was clearly from more to less. “If we start putting excuses we will not crap,” Joel Parra snapped.
Joel Parra
“If we start putting excuses we will not make shit”
On the winning side, it is necessary to highlight, without any doubt, Marcelinho Huertas, authentic hero of the Tenerife victory. “I am in ecstasy, we have a big heart. We had patience and tranquility to overcome the game after its great start, ”the Brazilian veteran base said Euphoric, who at 41 became the most veteran player in the history of the Cup.
#Peñarroya #figure #matters #time