Peakway, SL is a company specializing in digital transformation projects and efficiency and sustainability, high technological component such as digitalization and digital transformation.
What does your company do?
Peakway It is a company born in 2015, dedicated to the realization and development of advisory projects aimed at organizations to help them adapt to new Digital environments Through innovation and the use of new technologies, projectalization and process automation projects, as well as implementation of electronic signature services and in the field of energy efficiency and sustainability.
What has motivated you to request the Lifge Certificate from excellent management?
Our strategy and the products and services we offer have a common point of starting, rigor. To do this, our management must also be and it is only possible with a level of Excellent management. We seek that excellence in all areas and our results reaffirm it. We are talking about a certificate that communicates the company’s solvency for us, enormous satisfaction since it indicates that we are going in the right direction.
What advantages does the Cenge Certificate offer?
First, it forces us internally since we have been audited and we have had to justify the data provided with maximum rigor. Second, the certificate Binde guarantees our work and accredits our management. Finally, it provides an extra reliability component to our clients as a result of that self -expendence that we impose day by day and is evaluated by a third party.
What part of the certification process has been more interesting?
Passing this process of audit It allows us to have indicators and information that measures us at what point we are compared to the previous year, being able to verify whether the established improvement plan has been effective or, on the contrary, we must modify it. This allows us to adapt and improve our improvement plan, identifying where we are and, above all, establish the new objectives that we must follow.
What improvements have been able to implement in your company thanks to the Lifge certification?
Last year’s audit indicated important aspects of improvement that we have developed during this year, a fact that has been clearly observed in the new assessment. This makes us better company, both for our clients and our workers and is reflected in the results obtained. Aspects focused on the management of our human resources, of our customer service And the degree of customer satisfaction have been relevant in this last year.
#Peakway #supports #work #accredits #management