Orlandi case, Calenda bill for commission of inquiry: Light on obstacles to truth

Carlo Calenda and Emanuela Orlandi

Orlandi case, Calenda files a bill for a commission of inquiry: “We want to shed light on the obstacles to the truth”

After the Vatican, so too State takes its first steps, after so much – too much – time on case Of Emmanuel Orlando. Carlo calendar has, in fact, filed in Senate the drawing Of law for the “institution of a Parliamentary commission Of investigation” on one of the cold case most intricate in Italy. A move that the leader of Azione had announced in recent weeks, explaining in a press conference in the Chamber – it was on December 20 – that a Bicameral investigation “is a dutiful act“.

In the text deposited in Palazzo Madama yesterday, January 26 (also signed by Senators Paita, Gelmini, Scalfarotto, Lombardo, Sbrollini, Versace, Fregolent), there is talk of “a case of a hidden truth even by those who could have revealed it and of a justice denied even by those who should have demanded it”: “There is no doubt that Emanuela was the victim of a crime – write the senators – Certainly of a seizurealmost certainly of one homocide. It is equally indubitable that there has been and still are those who know much more about this crime and its (or its) instigators than what has been reported so far”. And on the decision of the Vatican justice to reopen the investigation into the disappearance of the Fifteen years old at the time, the proponents of the Third Pole wrote: “It is, in any case, a choice and very positive news. The The Vatican does not consider this a ‘closed case’ and neither should Italywhere all the judicial investigations opened so far have ended in nothing”.

Orlandi case, the Calenda bill calls for the establishment of a bicameral commission of inquiry: the members and the activity

The text of the bill is divided into six points: among the goals that of “to verifythrough the examination of investigative and judicial documents and the acquisition of documents and testimonies, the obstacles that they have been opposed to investigative activity and to ascertaining the truth and responsibility for the facts”. According to the plan, the Commission “is made up of twenty senators and from twenty deputies appointed, respectively, by the President of the Senate of the Republic and by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, in proportion to the size of the parliamentary groups”. results of the investigation”.

With regard to the latter activity, we read in the art. 3, “the Commission proceeds with the investigations and examinations with the same powers and the same limitations as the judicial authority, and limited to the object of the investigations within its competence, secrecy cannot be opposed of State, nor official secrecy”. On the contrary, the same members of the Commission, the officials and personnel employed by the Commission itself and all other persons who collaborate with the Commission or carry out or contribute to carrying out investigative or these deeds become aware, are bound to secrecy, even after the termination of the assignment, as regards the deeds and documents covered by secrecy or whose disclosure the Commission has approved.

One might wonder if all this will cost the state: well, the bill establishes that “the expenses of the functioning of the Commission, set at 200,000 euros, half of which is charged to the balance of the Senate of the Republic and half of which is charged to the internal budget of the Chamber of Deputies”.

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