Juan Manuel Moreno has transferred on Wednesday a warning to the hard core of the national PP, chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “We have to understand that in the parliamentary field we cannot be isolated from what happens either from the agreements or the pacts, because Flaco please we would do Spain or the interests of the party itself, he defended during an informative breakfast in Madrid, attended by the main flat of the party, with the general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, in the front row, counselors of his government, deputies, mayors and senators.
“The PP cannot be isolated. With Junts we have to have a relationship, ”said the president of Andalusia. Moreno’s reflection is not new, but it sounds with greater resonance 24 hours after the pact signed between PSOE and Junts to save the revaluation of pensions, the minimum vital income, the bonus of public transport and other social measures that declined after the vote against the PP and the Carles Puigdemont match last week.
In the environment of the Andalusian president there is discomfort by how the party has managed this last “crisis”, distiling “parliamentary pride”, as if with the current arithmetic in Congress “we could do without maintaining minimal political relations with together or with the PNV ”, They say, matches with which the PP has traditionally agreed in the past.
President Pedro Sánchez has celebrated this pact as a triumph of negotiation, using it as a platform so as not to lose the approval of the general budgets of 2025 and the culmination of the legislature. Junts has wielded his authorship to underline the absolute dependence of the government of his group, and those of Feijóo have come to the forefront – without clarifying what will vote this time – to emphasize the “permanent humiliation to Sánchez.”
However, in the Andalusian PP dome, different reflections are made to the public argumentary. “It was a risky strategy to play everything to the door against the Omnibus decree, without calculating the wear that the government attacks campaign was going to assume for dropping pensions and, above all, the possibility of Sánchez to remake his relationship with Junts. That could have been planned, ”explain sources from the Regional Directorate.
Moreno has not reached so much in his speech during an informative breakfast of the ABC newspaper in Madrid, but has alerted the risk of “PP isolation” in Congress, after the hard attacks of the popular spokesman, Miguel Tellado, against the PNV on account of the return of the palace in Paris that included the Omnibus decree.
The president of the Board has denounced up to seven times the “isolation strategy” of Moncloa against his party. “If Sánchez can agree everything and with everyone, he takes us to the corner of the quadrilateral,” he insisted, after stressing that he is in favor that the PP traces alliances with all the “except Bildu” parties.
The “baron of barons” of the PP, a person very close to Feijóo, defends to recover relationship with Junts, although he believes that the indispensable condition for it to prosper is that Puigdemont disappears from the photo. “With Junts we have to have a relationship,” he insisted, after admitting that he would prefer “to be a nationalist party, more than independentist.”
“I aspire that the Puigdemont party decides to make a replacement [en el liderazgo]. Are there real possibilities of understanding with this man at this time? Obviously not, ”he said, accusing him of“ being humiliated every day to the Government of Spain ”.
Moreno has been ideologically defined in the “antipodes” of Puigdemont, has remarked that the Catalan independence leader – who lives in Waterloo (Belgium) escaped from justice – “will not facilitate a motion of censure” against Sánchez, although Junts has started to the PSOE a parliamentary initiative for Congress to debate whether it is necessary for the president to undergo a matter of trust (exclusive power of the Moncloa tenant).
“Is the only hypothesis a Junts without Puigdemont?” Hailed, to which the Andalusian leader has responded. “Obviously today with the figure of Puigdemont I see it almost impossible. With some Junts deputies in Congress we understand each other. We have meeting points, ”he said, citing the common rejection of the Energy Tax.
Finally, the Andalusian president has announced that he will fight for Feijóo to “have a sufficient majority and the wider possible” in the next general elections. “Sufficient majority” was the motto with which Moreno crushed in the 2022 Andalusian campaign, which ended up winning with an overwhelming absolute majority.
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