More Madrid and PSOE leave the Research Commission on Begoña Gómez in the Madrid Assembly: “It’s a circus”

The two main opposition parties in the Community of Madrid, more Madrid and PSOE, have decided on Wednesday to retire from the Investigation Commission promoted by the Popular Party at the Madrid Assembly on Begoña Gómez, wife of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez . The decision comes after the PP has included Sanchez in the list of appearing parties for the last session, scheduled for February 19, although the chief of the Executive is not obliged to go.

Since the opposition, the leftist parties have described the commission as a “custom show” of the PP, with the aim of generating holders and politically wearing the government. Manuela Bergerot, spokesman for more Madrid, has denounced that it is a “partisan maneuver” in which the popular have imposed absolute control over the appearing parties and the development of the investigation. “We will not continue participating in a show that does not seek to clarify anything, but generate media noise,” he said.

The PSOE, meanwhile, has expressed its rejection of continuing in a commission that they consider a “circus” and a “resonance box for the dissemination of bulos and attacks.” Sources from Madrid socialists say that right and ultra -rightThey know perfectly that they have no powers to cite the president of the Government ”, whose appearance corresponds to the Congress of Deputies. They consider that this commission is not a investigation process or a search for truth, but a political persecution without foundation directed against the PSOE although “They know there is no case.”

The sessions held to date have weakened the narrative of the PP and Vox, since the appearing parties have ratified the legality of Gómez’s activity in the UCM. Both the rector, Joaquín Goyache, and other university managers have assured that there was no favor of favor in his appointment as director of two masters and an extraordinary chair, denying the accusations of the popular.

PP and VOX defend the continuity of the commission

The PP, which has an absolute majority in the Assembly, has defended the continuity of the commission and has accused to the left of trying to “boycott” the investigation. Mercedes Zarzalejo, deputy of the PP, said that the withdrawal of PSOE and more Madrid is a “patech” to delegitimize the work of the commission.

Vox, meanwhile, has requested that the State Council be pronounced on Sánchez’s obligation to appear. “Sánchez is one more citizen and has the obligation to come to declare,” said Ana Cuartero, deputy of Vox. In addition, online the confrontation of the last days between the formation and Ayuso, has criticized the attitude of the PP in the commission, ensuring that “they are wasting time” in diverting the focus of the investigation instead of focusing on their priority: ” Our obsession to bring to the number one of the plot. ”

With the departure of the leftist parties, the Commission is completely controlled by the PP and Vox, while the opposition denounces that the real objective of the initiative has never been to clarify facts, but to wear out the Sánchez government in the political and media sphere. From the PSOE they say that “who has to appear is Mrs. Ayuso” for the “scams” of her surroundings.

This Tuesday, the Commission has the appearance of several university experts and responsible, including the former director of the Extraordinary Chair of Competitive Social Transformation of the UCM, as well as members of the Rectoral Team. These testimonies are expected to shed more light on the management of the university and whether or not they existed with favor towards Begoña Gómez.

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