The Minister of Health, Monica Garciahas pointed out that the lack of agreement between private health insurers and the Government on the Muface Concert is due to the fact that “the insurers have decided that the insured are not profitable.”
«Muface will end however the insurers want it to end, because it is the insurers who, crunching the numbers, have decided that the people, the Muface mutualists, are not for them. profitable«, he pointed out in an interview with RNE, collected by Europa Press.
The Government has decided to extend by almost two weeks the deadline for insurers to submit to the tender to provide health care to Muface mutual employees, until January 27. The new Muface concert, which will cover the years 2025, 2026 and 2027, will raise the premium by one 33.5% for the three-year period, going from 1,032.12 euros currently to 1,262.28 in 2027.
«The Ministry of Public Function is making every effort to ensure that they are not abandoned and from the Ministry of Health what we say is, don’t worry, that the public health “It will always be there, public health,” he added.
In his opinion, the debate should be “when the transfer of the mutualists to the health system is made.” Furthermore, he has pointed out that “Primary Care could benefit to many of those older, multi-pathological and chronic patients that insurers do not want to care for.”
On the other hand, he has denied that 2% of mutual members are going to “explosion” the National Health System. “Communities that have waiting lists of 9 months, those waiting lists will continue to be 9 months, not because 2% of the population comes will you have a longer waiting list,” he clarified.
«The Ministry of Health is giving peace of mind, which is the opposite of what insurers are doing. And basically it is legitimate that they want to do business elsewhere. It’s legit. I don’t know if that is judicializable, right? Insurers are free to enter a competition or not. But the Government is not going to leave patients abandoned as it has never done and as it will never do,” he concluded.
#Mónica #García #affirms #policyholders #stopped #profitable #insurers