After a tragic year for the Goyanes Lapique family, in which the loss of Carlos Goyanes and his daughter Caritina With just 20 days apart, the new year continues to shake the family. According to the media, Manuel, the brother of Cari and Myriam Lapique He lost his life at the age of 70 at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital after fighting a long illness for several years. As reported after his last public appearance at the father and daughter’s funeral, the engineer was already suffering from the effects of the disease.
A few days ago, the father of Almu Lapiquewho stands out in the world of ‘influencers’, would have entered the hospital where he died in order to receive the necessary treatment for his illness, and since then his family has not stopped being by his side. According to the press portal of the heart of the newspaper ‘La Razón’, the engineer’s funeral chapel will be installed in the next few hours at the Tres Cantos Mortuary of Peace, where his family and friends will be able to go to pay their last respects. goodbye to Manuel.
The eldest male child of the marriage formed by Manuel Lapique Quiñones and Caritina Fernández from Liencres Liniers He had been undergoing treatment for his illness for some time, since at the funeral at which he was present there was already evidence of it. At first it had no results and forced Cari and Myriam’s brother to go back to the hospital where he lost his life just a few days before his 71st birthday took place. Without a doubt, another tragic episode for the family, which loses a father, brother and uncle ten days after the start of the year 2025.
#Manuel #brother #Cari #Myriam #Lapique #dies