This Tuesday, Lolita Flores has shared a speech full of sincerity about the meaning of awards in the artistic world. Taking advantage of the recent victory of Demi Moore, who at 62 years old received her first Golden Globe in recognition of her role in The substancethe singer and actress has offered a reflection on these awards and the perception of established figures in the world of entertainment.
At the beginning of her speech, the interpreter pointed out: “I, who have been nominated for several theater awards…”. Before finishing the sentence, she was interrupted by Ana Rosa Quintana, who added: “You won one in Malaga.” However, Lolita shook her finger, clarifying that this statement was not correct.
After this break, the television actress continued talking about her recent experience with the play. Ponciaa project that has earned him positive reviews and packed rooms. “After spending about a year with Ponciaafter having fabulous reviews, after having been filling theaters… The TalÃa award, for theater, (…) I say it from here: it goes to others“, he expressed.
Far from being resentful, the collaborator has highlighted what she considers her greatest reward: the affection of the public and the success of the box office: “It doesn’t matter to me, because my reward is to fill the theater as I am filling it and that people leave happy.”
The talk show host has also alluded to a reality that, according to her experience, affects well-known figures on the artistic scene. “It doesn’t surprise me that Demi Moore hasn’t been given it yet,” he said, referring to the time it takes for some artists to obtain institutional recognition. In this regard, he argued: “I want to say that there are many times that people already have a name, that we are popular, that people love us… They think that maybe the awards don’t excite us so much or that we don’t like them.“.
Despite this, Lolita has made it clear that she is not indifferent to these types of distinctions. “I like and appreciate the awards very much, but also I am grateful that others younger than me who do not fill the theaters take it“, he concluded, generating a standing ovation on the set.
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