This Wednesday he returned to The Intermediate one of Wyoming’s most notable contributors: Lamine Thiorwho is in front of the section Microracisms.
“Look, I’ve been pointing out racist behavior in the program for a long time, because even so I can’t stop hearing all kinds of complaints like you can’t say anything anymore, that we get offended by anything, that for us, everything is racism…”, said the comedian.
Thior stated looking at the camera that “say, you can say whatever you want, but making racist comments is discriminatory behaviorunfair and, be careful, it is very expensive”.
“Racism is like tobacco, drugs or Lladós courses: bad, useless and wasteful. To the Spanish, Racism costs us 17 billion euros“said the Wyoming collaborator.
And he explained that it is due “because in the labor market There are nearly 248,000 migrants who cannot work or charging less than they should, this type of discrimination alone costs the country 12.3 billion euros.
“This is because these They cannot contribute nor do their employers pay the taxes they should. What a paradox… in Spain billions of euros are lost by having thousands of blacks working black,” Thior ironically said.
He also commented on racial discrimination in schools, “because it also costs money, fewer opportunities, higher school dropouts and graduations with a lower educational level”.
“The result is other 4,800,000 million bill for not facilitating access to public education and quality to these young migrants,” he commented.
And he concluded by saying: “You know, If you don’t have enough money, don’t be racistand if you have leftovers, neither. You can give it to me, I’m sure I’ll find something to do with it.”
#Lamine #Thior #Intermedio #Racism #tobacco #drugs #bad #useless #wasteful