Perhaps the reader has come back from a trip excited, still happy for all the things he has seen and done, to run into a friend or family member who does not hesitate to downplay or belittle that trip.
It is the topic that collaborator Juan del Val spoke about in the El Hormiguero gathering, when he spoke of “those who always tell you that your trip has been missing something“.
“You come from Egypt and they tell you ‘but have you been to Abu Simbel?’ and when you answer that you haven’t had time, they tell you ‘But it’s the best of all!'”, Del Val exemplified.
“There are a lot of people like that, a lot”said her table companion, Cristina Pardo, while Tamara Falcó and Nuria Roca laughed heartily at the comments.
“Girl, let me enjoy and if I haven’t seen Abu Simbel then I’ll put up with it and I will go again,” Juan del Val ended by saying.
#Juan #del #Val #exposes #impertinent #people #vacation #trip #missing