The egg has been a food surrounded by controversy. While some experts consider it a Essential protein sourceothers warn about possible risks of excessive consumption. Its high nutritional value is undeniable, but the debate about its Impact on cardiovascular health He has divided the scientific community. To shed light on this subject, the cardiologist José Abellán has shared on his Instagram account a series of reflections on whether the egg It is really as healthy as it is believed.
In its publication, Abellán begins by pointing out the duality of the egg: «On the one hand, it is a great source of essential proteins and nutrients. But … it contains something in excess that is not so healthy: cholesterol ».
The specialist explains that the cholesterol It is a necessary compound for the body. “Cholesterol is essential for your body: it helps form hormones, vitamin D and cell membranes,” he says. However, the problem lies in its existence, but in the amount which is consumed through the diet.
“But here is the key data: your body produces all the cholesterol it needs and there are studies that show that any extra cholesterol we consume can be harmful,” warns the cardiologist.
The impact of the egg on cardiovascular health
To support his statement, the cardiologist contributes a series of Figures Concrete: «A large egg provides 200 mg of cholesterol. Studies show that every 100 mg/extra cholesterol day can increase your LDL (‘the bad’) cholesterol between 1.90 and 4.58 mg/dl. This has a direct impact on your cardiovascular health ».
In that sense, the expert points out that the Increased LDL cholesterol is directly related to a higher risk of heart disease: «In low cholesterol diets, even small amount clearly increases your LDL cholesterol levels. This increases the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular events. Therefore, reducing cholesterol in the diet is key ».
What about the studies that defend the egg?
Many studies have tried to demonstrate that Egg consumption is not harmful for health. However, Abellán Put them in doubt due to its methodological deficiencies. «And studies that say the egg is not bad? Many have serious problems in their design or use bad comparators such as sausages and processed cheese. What food did not seem good if we compare it to that? Conclusion? Its results are not reliable, ”he explains.
For that reason, the cardiologist proposes reduce egg consumption and replace them with plant sourceswhich can have a more positive impact on health. “Replace the egg with plant sources such as: legumes, nuts or whole grains reduces up to 19% the risk of mortality for any cause,” he says.
“Conclusion: you don’t need eggs to be healthy,” he says. And justify it with several overwhelming statements: «The egg is not essential in your diet. Your body can manufacture all the cholesterol it needs. Vegetable proteins are a healthier option for your heart. If you take it, be in moderation ».
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