Insured disconnection: 15 villages to get lost in the mountains of León

The province of León extends between very varied landscapes that include valleys, summits and mountainous areas, but also plains, forests and large lakes. In areas such as the Ancares, the Valdeburón Valley, the Sajambre Valley, the Valdeón Valley and other nearby areas, small villages are preserved that keep a rural tradition and a historical and natural heritage alive that is well worth knowing.

Each town invites you to walk through cobbled streets and discover hundreds hundreds, while trails and small streams accompany the leisurely rhythm of the life of the countryside, with the occasional mucido in the background. Pretty villages in León there are many and very different, but these fifteen bring you closer to some of the most beauty mountains in the province so you can know the essence of a region that is enjoyed with peace of mind and authenticity.


Located in the Valdeburón Valley and part of the Mountain and Mampodre Mountain Regional Park, Acebedo has a lot of history to tell. Its stone architecture and cobbled streets reflect centuries of tradition in the Leon rural environment. The altarpiece of the church of San Nicolás de Bari is considered one of the oldest in the province of León, while its separate tower, with a period clock, remembers past times. The hiking trails surrounding the people allow to enjoy a natural environment where serenity reigns.

Soto de Sajambre

In the Sajambre Valley, at the foot of Peña Santa, Soto de Sajambre retains the traditional mountain architecture. Houses with runners and even a characteristic grain highlight the rural style of the area. The Félix de Martino Museum, promoted by a former neighbor who returned after ‘Making the Americas’ in Mexico, is testimony of local history. So, between its privileged location and its intrinsic charm, this town offers a quiet environment where to forget the bustle of cities.

Santa Marina de Valdeón

Located at 1,156 meters, Santa Marina de Valdeón is the highest town in the area and is integrated into the Picos de Europa National Park. Its altitude allows you to contemplate wide views of the mountains and their valleys, so it is an exceptional viewpoint. The Church of Santa María is the only vestige of an ancient monastery, although a dozen traditional granaries and a blacksmith foal, which are also part of their cultural heritage. The environment is ideal for walking by enjoying the landscape.


In the municipality of Crémentes is Lois, recognized by its “mountain cathedral” built in pink marble, which recalls the style of the 18th century. The stately houses reinforce the traditional air of the town while the House of Smoke and the former Latin chair tell us about the importance of education and architecture in the town. What you want is to travel its streets to appreciate the value of its cultural legacy.


Located in the municipality of Prioro and 1,200 meters, Tejerina is located between the peaks of the tile and the stone of water. A restored mill at the entrance of the town will welcome us to remember its last harine activity. The Church of San Pedro, of the Renaissance style of the seventeenth century, and the monument to the shepherds complete its patrimonial offer. Here the silence is broken by the sound of the water, both the one that runs through its streets and that of the nearby Cascada del Gorgolón.

Queen’s Portilla

In the land of the queen is Portilla de la Reina, a town that is organized in three neighborhoods for the confluence of their rivers. Its architecture is integrated into a landscape of rocks and slopes, leaving the rural character of the area, while the constructions adapt to the mountain forms. A ferrata road and the proximity to the Sierra de Orpiñas allow you to enjoy outdoor activities, such as climbing or winter promotions. The coexistence between the constructed and nature is evident in every corner.


With roots in the Romanization of the Cantabrian mountain range, Cofiñal retains fingerprints of old settlements and the passage of time. His name, derived from Latin Confin, It makes us think of the border between León and Asturias. The town, which has exceeded fires and conflicts, is shown today with Indian -style houses and trenches. The Waterfall of the forfogones is integrated into a landscape where nature melts with history.

Peñalba de Santiago

This Bercian village is recognized by the church of Santiago de Peñalba, a sample of Mozarabic art. Its narrow streets and traditional architecture reflect the historical character of the area, with houses that seem to be hot gathering against each other. The natural environment, suitable for hiking, invites you to travel its paths and to contemplate typical landscapes of El Bierzo, so Peñalba de Santiago offers a simple and relaxed plan.


Located in the municipality of Valdepielago, Valdorria sits about 1,337 meters of altitude and presents an important slope in its nucleus, so its topography allows you to enjoy panoramic views on valleys and mountains. The Valdecésar stream travels the low zone and a small hermitage, that of San Froilán, stands out on the Santa Peña as a witness of reconquest times.

Palacios del Sil

In the northwest of León there is Palacios del Sil, surrounded by oak and old Vaqueiras brañas. Its medieval bridge and the traditional granaries are part of the cultural heritage of this town that reminds us that we are one step away from Asturias. In fact, the occasional use of the Asturleonese tongue and the tradition of the Vaqueiro bolus are part of its identity. So a visit to Palacios del Sil helps us take some awareness of where we are while we go through its streets and enjoy the natural environment.


At 1,200 meters, in the mountain of Riaño and Mampodre is a retort, where its church seems to monitor from the top of the Llomba. As you will see, the disposal of the people follows the mountain tradition and melts with the natural landscape. From here, the routes through the Sierra del Pármede offer short walks, allowing to know the flora and rural environment. Retuerto is a good example to verify how life on the mountain is easily adapted to its natural environment.


Valporquero is known for its famous caves, full of underground formations and waters, but it is also distinguished as a high mountain town in Alto Torío. As demonstrated by its urban layout, which adapts to the abrupt orography of the place. The environment, marked by livestock and faedos ports, allows you to enjoy large views and walks through nearby trails. Here tradition carries the singing voice and makes its landscapes perfect to disconnect.


Located in the El Bierzo region, Librán stands out for the abundant vegetation that surrounds its streets. Rocks, forests and streams configure the landscape that accompanies the life of the people, while a set of rock art and little busy routes invite you to discover the past of the town and its relationship with nature. Libraán is ideal to pause and enjoy a discreet and little known rural environment.


Located in the municipality of Riaño, Horcadas is distinguished by their stone and wood houses, restored carefully. The town is located in a hollow where small reguers of the Sierra del Pando flow, so it is left to the shelter of the mountains. The gilbo peak custody the environment and the presence of old gravestones suggests settlements that date back to the 10th century, with pre -Roman evidence. Horing, at any time of the year, offers a quiet environment and loaded with history.


And we end up in the anchors, one of the regions that can surprise the visitor the most. Here, Balboa is presented with traditional constructions, among which the Palleces of Celtic origin. A ruined castle, visible from the hill, remembers the history of the town. In July, the town hosts a reggae festival, reggaeboa, which puts a touch of color and contrast without altering its essence.

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