If Hitler was a communist, Franco too

Fasten your seatbelts, the great intergalactic ship is going to take off. The mother of all hoaxes. Hitler was a communist. How they hear it. The chorus is not new. The right-wingers already used it to shield neoliberalism: all those who opposed a wild, uncontrolled market were labeled either Bolsheviks or Nazis; one of the two things, or both at the same time. But now it is different: now those who call Hitler a communist are the extreme right-wing parties, children of fascism, and their story has been enthusiastically taken up by the owner of the most powerful channel in the world for spreading lies, who is followed by 212 million. of people, the third part of those subscribed to their social network.

At the time I write this article, Elon Musk kept highlighted on his the same one who considered communism a plague spread by the Jews and who locked up tens of thousands of communists and socialists in concentration camps – was a communist. From now on we will see that message even in the soup. Don’t be surprised that at the next family gathering the brother-in-law tell them shrewdly: “If Hitler wasn’t leftist, why was his party called National SOCIALIST, eh?”

#Hitler #communist #Franco

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