Pancreatic canceras we all know, It is a disease in which the healthy cells of the pancreas stop working properly and grow without control. These cancer cells can, unfortunately, accumulate and form a mass called tumorwhich is malignant and can extend to other parts of the body.
More common, pancreatic cancer is formed in the pancreas region called head (60% of cases). In a less frequent way, it can be originated in the area called body or tail of the pancreas. Despite not presenting a high incidence in the population, Yes presents high mortality.
In depth
According to data from the cancer observatory of the Spanish Association against Cancer, pancreatic cancer occupies eighth frequency in Spain, With an annual incidence in 2023 of 8,993 cases, of which 4441 were men and 4,552 women.
Apparently, it is a tumor that usually generates nonspecific symptoms such as heavy digestions, abdominal pain, lack of appetite or weight loss. Yes indeed, All these may be present in other diseaseshence An early diagnosis is quite complicated.
More details
An opinion with which Michael Perlin has agreed, which at 64 was diagnosed with pancreas cancer. In an interview with ‘Parade‘, the individual has revealed that his first symptom was the jaundicethe yellowish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes To increase the concentration of blood bilirubin.
“I got yellow Everywhere and had a terrible sensation of itching all over the body. I get my attention and that’s why I went to see my heart doctor, “he said. After his diagnosis, he felt a shock and at the same time relief, since he could finally know What happened to him.
To take into account
His treatment, led by Dr. Peter Ledakis, MD, at Baltimore Mercy Medical Center, began by surgery WHIPPLEwhere half of his pancreas was removed and required a hospital admission of at least one week and a home recovery of four months.
Then, a treatment with chemotherapy and a combination of other treatments. “They installed a surgically in my chest to facilitate the insertion of intravenous infusions. Then I started with the radiotherapy another three months, while simultaneously taking a chemotherapy drug oral. Finally, they gave me a drug called Kreon“He concluded. At more than 70 years, fortunately, his cancer has disappeared and is cured. Happy end.
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