This Monday, January 6, the Extraordinary Draw of the Children’s Lottery 2025. Less than a month ago, state Lotteries and Betting distributed enthusiasm and millions of euros throughout Spain thanks to the Christmas Lottery, whose draw is every year on December 22. Many were lucky and managed to win some prizes, whether they were the largest or a refund.
But for all those who did not manage to win a single euro, the El Niño Draw is another opportunity for chance and luck to decide if you win some money to start the year. Coinciding with Three Kings Day, every morning of January 6 The Children of San Ildefonso draw the numbers and quantities that result in knowing the winning tenths.
After having experienced the Extraordinary Draw of the Christmas Lottery last month, it is almost inevitable to compare it with that of El Niño, which distributes large prizes with less money, but which, in general, gives more prizes thanks to the fact that it has more refunds.
It is worth remembering that The highest prizes are the following: the first prize that distributes 200,000 euros to the tenth, 2,000,000 per series, the second distributes 75,000 euros to the tenth and 750,000 to the series, and the third prize, which awards 25,000 euros to the tenth and 250,000 euros to the series. Other prizes are 1,200 euros for the tenth, 350, 610 and multiple prizes of 100 euros for the tenth, among others, thanks to the refunds.
Of so many prizes that are going to be distributed in the State Lottery and Betting Drawing Room through the multiple drum system, hope is never lost that one of them may win you. But What is the full prize that is received after the Treasury keeps what corresponds? We will tell you below.
How much does the Treasury take from the Children’s Lottery prizes?
To answer this question we use the same premise as for the Christmas Lottery. Thus, all the prizes of the Lotería del Niño that exceed 40,000 euros A part must be deducted for the corresponding taxes. Below that amount, they are exempt from paying them.
For practical purposes, this means that only if you win the first prize of the Lotería del Niño or the second, the Treasury will subtract a part of the money you received for the tenth. The tax paid in the Children’s Lottery is 20%which is subtracted once the exempt amount has been deducted.
In this way, if you win the 200,000 euros of the first prize, you will finally take 168,000 gross eurosafter the Treasury takes what is pertinent. With the second prize, the amount that will reach your hands will be 68,000 euros. The rest of the prizes, as they do not exceed 40,000 euros, are received in full.
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