The practical exam is the final test before obtaining a driving license in Spain, therefore, when evaluating whether a student is suitable or not, the General Directorate of Traffic classifies the errors that the candidate may commit during the exam depending on its severity and impact on traffic.
First of all, there are eliminatory faults, which as the name indicates, means failure in the test. Then we find the deficient fouls, which means failure when at least two of them are made. And finally, the DGT includes minor offenses, which we can commit in a certain number during the test.
What is the number of minor offenses allowed?
The practical driving test It is only overcome if you commit 9 or fewer minor offenses during the real traffic situation, since if you do 10, you will fail the exam and you will have to take it again. On the other hand, if you commit a deficient offense, the maximum number of minor offenses to pass will be four, that is, you will fail if you carry out one deficient and five minor ones.
Finally, it should be noted that some minor offenses include improperly adjusting the rearview mirrors, executing sudden maneuvers without creating danger to other road users, or maintaining an incorrect posture while driving, as well as taking it wrongly.
How long does the practical test last on average?

There are many applicants who wonder how long they must spend behind the wheel in the final test that will accredit them as future drivers. According to the General Directorate of Traffic, The approximate duration established is 30 minutesalthough it may be a small period, minor or major.
On the other hand, during this time, the examiner will require you to perform at least two of the following five maneuvers in order to obtain your long-awaited license. These tests are the G maneuvers, reversing on a straight line and curve.; H, change of direction of travel; I.1, line parking and exit; I.2, oblique parking and exit; and I.2, perpendicular parking and exit.
When is it possible to start car training?
The response given by the General Directorate of Traffic and by the driving schools specifies that it is possible carry out internships up to 3 months before you turn 18is the same one that you can now present to the theorist.
But the surprising thing comes from knowing that you can carry out the internship at a driving school without having passed the theoretical test, Therefore, there are students who decide to combine training for both exams. But we must remember one thing: even if you carry out practical tests before taking the theory test, you will never be able to take the practical test without having previously passed the test on knowledge of the Driving Regulations.
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