Spain has a lot of Companies dedicated to the technological sector and many others that do not define it as their specialty but much of their work is based on this area. More and more people decide to train in professions such as computer engineering or systems to be part of these companies as an employee.
This race can be complicated, but it is effort has its reward since usually, the salaries of this sector are remarkably higher than other similar ones. Thanks to the Manfred Employment Platform, we have been able to know a Salary comparative of the technological sector in Spain in 2025 through a study in which the data from five important companies.
As explained by the platform, in our country It is not very common for these types of companies to share their private data Neither the salary bands of their empelled, but it is very useful information for all those people who are thinking about entering the work world of the technological sector and want to know the companies better.
For this study, public data from the ranges and salary scales of Cabify, Alan and Factorial, while to know the numbers of Glovo and N26, They have had to use external sources such as Glassdoor or The method used aims to know the salary depending on the position they occupy in the company, moving from Junior to Mid, to Senior and Staff.
It has been shown that the initial salaries in these Spanish companies They start from 22,000 euros annual for those who join for the first time as Junior. It also concludes that these entry salaries are above the current average. In addition, it is shown that the variable salary is an important part in much of the management positions.
Manfred’s research concludes that, according to the data analyzed and trusting their reliability, Alan and Glovo are the technological companies wherehaving the first and salary that is around 170,000 euros per year and the second 150,000 annually with up to 22,000 euros in variables. In general, all economic remuneration are in a fork between 110,000 and 160,000 euros.
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