The gang rape cases in Spainunderstood as those committed by two or more perpetrators, have more and more complaints and more social impact, despite the fact that by prevalence they account for 4.4% of the total of 17,000 sexual assaults reported each year. However, They stand out for the youth of their authors and because they involve greater levels of aggressiveness and humiliation. to the victims, who are also largely young girls or minors.
For this reason, the Secretary of State for Security of the Ministry of the Interior announced this Monday the results of the first investigation to understand the particularities of this criminal phenomenon, which in Spain is known as gang rape.
The study has taken as a sample all crimes of group sexual assault at national level, except the Basque Country, documented between 2013 and 2017: they are 491 incidents with 1,359 criminals and 525 victims.
The most common group attacks were acts with two authors (60.9%)decreasing the incidence of cases as the group size increased. In fact, 96.5% of the cases were registered with 5 or fewer perpetrators, making the registration of events with 6 or more aggressors uncommon, although assumptions were made with up to 15 authors.
The most common group attacks were with two perpetrators (60.9%), with the incidence of cases decreasing as the size of the group increased.
Of course, as the number of perpetrators in an attack increases, their age tends to decrease and the violence increases. The authors are also surprised by the number of attacks committed by 4 to 15 perpetrators who only had one victim. There have been 85 incidents of this nature (17.3%) “where the simple disproportion between the number of perpetrators and victims already accentuates the vulnerability in which these victims find themselves“.
The profile of the victims
When the 525 victims were analyzed, 92.8% were women, 7.1% men. Regarding age, 172 (32.8%) were minors at the time of the events, while 341 were adults. The age was unknown in the rest (12.3%). The calculated average age was 23.4 years.
The victims are mostly Spanish (320 cases, 61%), with 203 foreigners. The United Kingdom and Romania stand out in the origin of foreign victims. In at least 27 cases (5.1%) it was reliably known that the victim had some type of disorder or disability.
The author profile
The study has also analyzed the profiles of 1,359 perpetrators of group sexual crimes, men by 97.2%. As for age, 310 (22.8%) were minors at the time of the events and 678 adults (49.9%). But in 371 cases (27.3%) this information was unknown. The authors reveal the excessive youth of the authors, since in Most of the cases were concentrated in authors up to 20 years old. Approximately a third of the perpetrators of rape in groups of three or more attackers were minors.
By originfor which information was available588 authors (43.3%) were of foreign origin and 445 were Spanish (32.7%). The nationality was unknown in 326 cases (24%). Among the countries of origin of the foreign authors, the following stood out: Morocco (129 cases; 9.5%); Romania (95 cases; 7%); and Ecuador (55 cases; 4%).
When analyzing its origin, andAmong minors they were more common
the Spanish (168 cases; 61.5% compared to the 105 foreign authors; 38.5%), while Among adults the opposite happens. (390 foreign authors; 62.4% compared to 235 Spanish authors; 37.6%).
The authors explain that the youth of this type of perpetrator “influences the low presence of extensive criminal records or careers.” Of the authors for whom information was available, 252 had antecedents (35.8%). The most common antecedents were for violent crimes (169 perpetrators) and for crimes against property (166 perpetrators). Only 20 of the perpetrators had a history of crimes of a sexual nature.
The relationship between victim and perpetrator
As analyzed, In 37.2% of the cases, the author and victim were known and in 54.1%, they were unknown. The relationship could not be proven in 8.7% of the cases. While among the adult victims they were more unknown, the minor victims are mostly girls known to the aggressors, the report reveals.
When and where it is attacked
The places where sexual assaults were committedwere mainly homes and hotels (closed places) and on public roads, highlighting 9 cases that occurred within schools.
It is in summer (32.2%) and spring (27%) when group attacks occur the most. In winter, 24.8% of this type of crime was recorded, with autumn being the season with the least incidence (15.6%). The month with the most cases was July (13.3%) and the month with the fewest cases was November (5.6%).
Another finding of the report is that these types of events are related with recreational and leisure contexts, mainly nocturnal, so the weekly distribution is not random. Most of the events were concentrated on the weekend. ANDBetween Saturday and Sunday, 37.4% of the events were recorded. By including Friday as part of the weekend, 47.9% would be recorded, almost half of the total attacks.
What’s more, the most common stripe was early morning (00:00-05:59), although on weekends the morning (06:00-11:59) had a greater prevalence, while the afternoon (12:00-17:59) and the night (18:00 -23:59) were more present during the week than on weekends.
Typology of crimes
In group rapes, the most common type of incident reported was sexual assault with violence and carnal access (237 cases; 48.3%), followed by sexual assault with violence (181 cases; 36.9%) and sexual assault with carnal access, but without violence (73 cases; 14.9%). When there was carnal access, the most common was vaginal (32.9%), followed by oral (17.4%) and anal (11%).
In most of the crimes analyzed, the victim or perpetrator had consumed drugs or alcohol at the time of the events. Related to this, in 13.4% of the cases the victim was in a state of helplessness caused by the ingestion of some substance, which is known as chemical submission.
The authors of the report reveal that only in 7.8% of cases did the perpetrators use some type of weapon against a victim. Yes indeed, In 76.9% of the events some type of violence was usedthe most common being physical (57.3%), followed by cases in which both types or ways of exercising violence were used, physical and verbal (36.8%), with the use of only verbal violence being the least common scenario. common (5.9%).
The study ‘Sexual violence carried out in groups. Epidemiological analysis and criminological aspects in Spain’ (PDF) has been prepared by researchers from the UNED, the Center for Research in Forensic and Security Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Pontifical University of Comillas, the European University of Madrid, the University of Valencia, the University of Barcelona , the Carlos III University of Madrid and the Complutense University of Madrid. National Police, Civil Guard, Mossos d’Esquadra and the Foral Police of Navarra have also participated in it.
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