Caryl Menghetti hit her husband several times in the neck and chest: her 5-year-old daughter will be entrusted to her maternal grandparents
Caryl MenghettiAccording to what emerges, she killed her husband with several blows to the neck and chest. In particular, those around her neck would have been fatal. In the meantime, the Brescia Juvenile Court has entrusted the couple's daughter, a 5-year-old girl, to the woman's family, in particular her parents.
A dramatic event, yet another family tragedy, took place late in the evening of Thursday 25 January Martinengoa small urban center located in the lower province of Bergamo.
Around 11.00pm Caryl Menghetti, a 46-year-old originally from Vercelli with serious previous mental problems, surprised the Husband while he was in bed and hit him with numerous stab woundstaking his life in a few moments.
Alone a few hours earlier the woman had been transported at the Treviglio hospitalafter he had had a major psychotic crisis. The doctors quickly discharged her and sent her home, where a real drama subsequently materialized.

Responding to the scene were i Carabinieri of Treviglio, who found the woman still in a confused state and with the murder weapon, a kitchen knife, still in her hand.
A negotiation with her followed, where the military tried to calm her down And convince her to go outsucceeding a few minutes later.
There Power of attorney of Bergamo obviously has opened an investigation on the matter and will try to understand if, in the previous hospitalization, the doctors could have done something more to keep Caryl Menghetti and his family safe.
The 46-year-old is locked up, awaiting questioning by the investigating judge, in Bergamo prison.
Who will be entrusted with Caryl Menghetti's baby?

The body of Diego Rota he was instead transported to the morgue of the Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamo, where he will undergo surgery in the next few days autopsy examination.
In the house, at the time of the crime, was also present little daughter of the couple, a single child 5 years who, fortunately, was asleep and didn't notice anything.
As happened in other recent cases of family tragedies, for example the feminicides of Vincenza Angrisano and Ester Palmieri, we now ask ourselves which destiny it will be up to minorleft in a night without mother and father.
The Juvenile Court of Brescia has entrusted the little one temporarily ai maternal grandparents. Decision which will probably become final later.
#Details #emerge #dramatic #story #Martinengo #46yearold #Caryl #Menghetti #killed #husband #entrusted #couple39s #5yearold #daughter