The Asturian cider culture, postulated by Spain, has been recognized as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity this Wednesday in Paraguay.
The decision was adopted during the nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCOwhich is celebrated until this Saturday in the Paraguayan city of Luque.
“Today is a great day for Asturiasfor Asturian culture”, the Secretary of State for Culture of Spain, declared to the attendees, Jordi Martí Grauwho has been part of the delegation of the European country together with the Minister of Culture, Linguistic Policy and Sports of the Principality of Asturias, Vanessa Gutierrezand the Spanish ambassador to UNESCO, Michael Iceta.
Martí has assured that cider “is much more than a drink”is a “symbol of a culture”, “of a community”.
For his part, Gutiérrez has highlighted cider as a “socializing” drink that has marked the generations that work in its production and that explains “a good part” of the history of its town and its cultural manifestations from dance, crafts and gastronomy.
“Our cider, presented with its characteristic bottle, is served communally from a glass on which “it is poured in a unique and spectacular way”the counselor explained.
Gutiérrez has added that The cider culture has its expression in bablewhich has considered “a minority language so great that it serves to tell the world” and has celebrated its incorporation into the Heritage list as a sample of Spanish cultural diversity.
“This symbol and icon of Asturias exemplifies the way of being of a town that, by offering its most unique drink, It is shown as what it has been throughout history: inclusive, supportive, egalitarian and integrative.“explained the counselor.
The application form, included among the 58 analyzed by the Committeereports that “the Asturian cider culture is made up of the group of people and groups that participate in the process of apple tree planting, cider production, distribution and consumption, as well as by those who take part in cultural practices, “traditional knowledge, knowledge, rituals and cultural manifestations that are transmitted from generation to generation.”
The document points out that “the cultural importance of cider is reflected in its iinsertion in cultural practices (in festive rituals, for example) and in the popular Asturian vocabulary, which includes all the nuances of the world of cider, without forgetting the iconic, typical and peculiar way of pouring cider”.
Before the resolution of the Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage, the Government of Asturias has illuminated the main buildings green since Monday and equipment of the autonomous community as a gesture of support for the postulation of the cider culture.
Green, the traditional color of the glass bottle that contains this drink, is a symbol of “both the landscapes of Asturias and the apple with which the drink is made identity par excellence of that area of Spain,” the regional government noted in a note.
The cider culture of Asturias has also been recognized with the National Hospitality Award 2024 in the category of Promotion of Spanish Culture and Gastronomy.
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