The year 2025 brings changes in the pensions and financial aid granted by Social Security: the most important of them occurs in the retirement pensionthe amount that Social Security grants to working people who, at a certain age and with a minimum number of years of contributions, have the right to receive income during their retirement.
The changes are contemplated in the latest pension reform and focus on three key aspects of retirement: the age retirement, the minimum number of years of contributions that is required and the amount granted.
Retirement age changes in 2025
During 2024the legal retirement age is 66 years and six months for those who have contributed less than 38 yearswhile citizens with more than 38 years of contributions will be able to retire at 65.
These limits are part of a table contemplated by the latest pension reformin which the limit of years of contributions necessary to retire at 65 years of age is increased, and at the same time the retirement age of those who do not have sufficient contributions is increased.
As contemplated in the table, this changes in 2025: Next year the retirement age will become 65 years only for those who have contributed at least 38 years and three months.
Those who do not have this contribution must wait until they are 66 years and 8 months old. The table extends these limits progressively until 2027, as can be consulted on the Social Security website.
How much do pensions go up?
Another of the most important changes for 2025 is the amount that retirees will receive as payment for their pension. And it is that From 2022, retirement pensions are revalued according to the CPI.
According to the advance data of the average interannual inflation, it is an indicator that measures the CPI and the revaluation of pensions, these will generally revalue by 2.8% in 2025that is, about 564 euros more per year for the average retirement pension.
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