In Spanish cities it is common to find places reserved for the stop of some a few minutes from vehicles that transport goods to shops or restaurant, these parking lots are called loading and unloading areas.
Usually, these areas enabled for goods vehicles They have a schedule in which they are activeHowever, each municipality is the one who establishes the days and hours in which they are in force, so many drivers have doubts if, for example, they can park there on Saturdays.
Is it possible to park on Saturdays for loading and unloading?
In this case, everything will depend on what the sign indicates for the loading and unloading area, since it varies depending on the city where we are, the usual thing is that the sign requires that the parking It is reserved on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., in this case it would include Saturdays.
In short, before parking in an area reserved for loading and unloading goods You should make sure when parking is allowed there.Otherwise, the penalty can amount to up to 200 euros depending on the municipality where you are located.
How much is the fine for parking in a bike lane?

The General Directorate of Traffic is clear regarding the penalty for parking in lanes intended for cyclists. According to article 76 of the Traffic Law, This action is classified as a serious violation. This article prohibits stopping or parking in bus lanes, bicycle lanes, curves, grade changes, among other places, especially if traffic is seriously impeded or pedestrians are endangered.
The fine for violating this rule amounts to 200 euros.. Furthermore, the DGT reminds that bicycle lanes should not be used by pedestrians to walk either, although in this case a specific penalty is not specified.
What can be the fine for parking taking up more spaces?
In these cases, the penalty will depend on the municipality where you are located, although it is possible that it will increase. up to 200 euros, if the council establishes this infraction as serious. However, the most common thing is that it is considered minor, which carries a penalty of 100.
In addition, these types of fines benefit from a discount of up to 50% for prompt payment. Of course, in the event that a municipal tow truck removes the vehicle to a warehouse, the owner of this must bear the costsas well as with the car departure rate from municipal facilities.
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