After the storm of rains that the Jana Jana has left in Spain in the last week, Konrad takes over. After penetrating the country on Wednesday, its presence has intensified this Thursday with episodes of rain, storms and winds that have put the entire province of Andalusia on alert, according to the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet).
The forecast for this day is very cloudy skies. In addition, they will be accompanied by generalized moderate rains that could be locally strong, they could even occur storms at some points.
Given the forecast, all provinces have dawned with rainy skies, which has forced them to activate the Notices for showers In Granada and Jaén. These, in addition, will be accompanied by the Torment alertA in the provinces of Huelva, Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga and Sevilla, while all of them must be cautious by the strong wind gusts They could register.
Regarding the thermometers, for this day a great downturn. So much so, that the minimum could approach 0ºC in some points of Granada, Jaén or Sevilla, the most affected provinces. The maximums, meanwhile, could be slightly above 10ºC.
Facing Friday the storm will continue with the storm Konrad as the protagonist, although the storms will tend to decrease its intensityaccording to Aemet. The thermometers will remain in the same line as in the previous day, although the snow level could drop from 1,600 to 1,000 meters of altitude.
Already the weekend the forecasts suggest that the showers will send, which will give way to clear skies. However, the Sun rays will not last long And it is expected that a new storm will land in the country from Sunday.
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