After his collapse on the football pitch, Tottenham Hotspur’s Rodrigo Bentancur has taken to social media with an upbeat post. “It’s all good, guys!” wrote the Uruguayan on Instagram about a selfie in which he can be seen with his partner. The 27-year-old smiles and gives his right thumb up. “Thanks for the messages!!!,” he also wrote and congratulated his team on their 1-0 win over Liverpool FC.
The midfielder collapsed during the League Cup game on Wednesday evening, was treated on the pitch and then taken off the pitch on a stretcher. Helpers then drove him to a hospital. “He was conscious when he came off the field,” Tottenham coach Ange Postecoglou said after the final whistle. “We hope he’s okay.” There were initially no further medical details about the incident. The club also did not say whether the German striker’s teammate Timo Werner is still in the hospital or has been able to return home.
The South American international went down after a corner in the sixth minute of the semi-final first leg. He wanted to reach the ball with his head, but missed the ball and hit his head unhappily on the grass. He then remained lying on his stomach with his arms outstretched.
#Bentancur #allclear