The Urban Guàrdia of Barcelona will sanction As of this Saturday with 100 euros of fine to electric scooters Do not wear a helmet, following the entry into force on February 1 of the new circulation ordinance.
In addition, scooters They can only circulate through bike lanes and streets with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour, And if they do it on a road where the limit is 50 kilometers per hour or on the sidewalk, the fine will be 500 euros.
They can also be sanctioned with this amount if they exceed the speed limit of 25 kilometers per hour, the 10 kilometers per hour in the bike lanes on the sidewalk and If circulating with alcohol rates higher than legal.
In the event that the offender is under 16, the fine will be 200 euros, and, in addition, all scooters must have front and rear lights.
Bicycle sanctions
The new ordinance also establishes Fines of 500 euros for driving by bicycle on the sidewalkbut there are exceptions that allow it: in the event that the driver is under 12 years accompanied by an adult; Drivers under 14 years in streets where there is no bike lane and in the case of adults that take minors on these roads.
In addition, It will be sanctioned with 100 euros if the obligation to get off the bike and the scooter in pedestrian agglomeration points is not metand the same fine will be applied if the bike or scooter is tied in trees, traffic lights, containers and urban furniture.
In relation to motorcycles, it will be fined with 500 euros to those that park on access sidewalks to schools and hospitals; with 200 euros if they do it in bike lanes; 100 euros if they do it near bicycle parking lots, and with 50 euros if done on sidewalks less than 3 meters wide.
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