Ayuso eliminates the General Subdirectorate of LGTBI Equality from his Government’s organizational chart

The restructuring that the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso has carried out of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Affairs has taken away the General Subdirectorate of LGTBI Equality, which has disappeared from the organizational chart. The regulatory maneuver of the Ayuso regional Executive involves replacing the General Directorate of Equality with the new General Directorate of Women. The powers of the now defunct General Subdirectorate of LGTBI Equality pass to the General Subdirectorate of Social Integration, as appears in the report of the regulatory impact analysis of the decree that has implemented this change of powers.

Furthermore, in separate brief reports, the general director of Childhood, Family and Birth Promotion rules out that the change will have an impact on family, childhood and adolescence, while the general director of Equality assures, without going into details, that It will be positive in terms of effective equality between men and women.

The specific powers on LGTBI issues assumed by the General Subdirectorate of Social Integration are, according to the decree itself, “the design, development and implementation of activities and campaigns regarding information and promotion of integration and equal treatment and non-compliance.” discrimination of LGTBI people”, as well as “the control and monitoring of the Madrid LGTBI Information and Care Program of the Community of Madrid”.

The Arcópoli association considers that this decision “represents an alarming setback in the protection of the rights of the LGTBI community in our region,” as they have expressed on their Twitter account. From this group they consider that “the existence of institutions that address inequalities and guarantee respect for human rights is fundamental.” For this reason, they urge the regional government to reconsider “this measure, reaffirming its commitment to equality and diversity.”

Despite the name change, former Ciudadanos deputy Patricia Reyes continues to lead the General Directorate of Women. After the approval of the decree that establishes the new organizational chart, its department now has only two subdirectorates: Women and Equal Opportunities, as well as Prevention of Violence against Women and Comprehensive Care for Victims. The now defunct Equality directorate retained these portfolios and also included the LGTBI Equality department.

Last Wednesday, the spokesperson for the regional government, Miguel Ángel García, announced the name change of the general directorate, but did not explain that the specific portfolio of LGTBIQ+ affairs would disappear. Asked at the press conference about these powers, he limited himself to ensuring that they were going to be distributed “between the General Directorate of Women and the General Directorate of Social Services.”

elDiario.es has tried to obtain the version of the Family Department, without success for the moment.

#Ayuso #eliminates #General #Subdirectorate #LGTBI #Equality #Governments #organizational #chart

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