A good night’s sleep is essential to be able to start the day with energy and enthusiasm. Those who have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or have light or poor quality sleep are aware of this, how poor sleep can affect many aspects of our lives, in some cases preventing those who suffer from it from being able to live their lives. normal. In these cases, it is best to turn to specialists, but in Spain, according to the Spanish Society of Neurology, only 10% of cases are diagnosed, although this type of disorder affects 22-30% of the population.
The most common thing is that these sleep problems are specificcaused by a specific situation that affects this aspect of life, so looking for small tips that can help avoid them seems like a great first step. Finding a way to fall asleep through routines or small tipshow to include kiwi in our diet, which cardiologist Aurelio Rojas recommends.
Kiwi, the fruit that can help you fall asleep
We usually highlight that kiwi is a fruit rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Mention is also made of its high fiber content, which helps the digestive system function properly. However, every lover of this fruit, so easy to eat and so delicious, has to know how its consumption can help us fall asleep faster and rest better.
“The kiwi has shown in multiple studies that “Those who consume it an hour before going to bed fall asleep 50% faster”explains cardiologist Aurelio Rojas on his TikTok account, which he uses to share his knowledge about cardiovascular health and well-being. He assures that this fruit can be a alternative for those people who do not want to resort to medicationsbecause its effects on sleep are so positive that “it is almost comparable to that of certain drugs.”
This is due to the amount of serotonin that this fruit has. Some studies have shown that low levels of serotonin are associated with lower quality of sleep and greater difficulty falling asleep. The kiwi also contains vitamin C and carotenoidswhich according to the expert, in addition to helping you fall asleep, makes it of higher quality.
“Have one or two kiwis an hour before going to bed”the expert advises those people who prefer a natural approach before choosing to take drugs.
Tips to sleep better
In some cases it is It is essential to put yourself in the hands of professionalsespecially if sleep problems become chronic and prevent us from leading a normal life. In other cases improvements can be noticed changing some habits and following some tips, such as maintaining a regular schedule, always getting up and going to bed at the same time. It is also a good idea not to stay in bed if you cannot sleep for more than 15 minutes, it is best to get up and go to another part of the house, to avoid associating bed with stressful situations.
The bedroom environment can also make a difference, having a comfortable mattressthe room at the right temperature (it is better if it is cool), without outside lights or noise, it is better to avoid electronic devices before going to sleep and hide the clocks, so as not to become obsessed when watching time pass. Also relax before going to sleep It can help, drink something warm and without caffeine, take a hot bath, read a book, listen to music, meditate…
In some cases it is a good idea to limit activity as night approaches, limit naps and the consumption of some substancessuch as alcohol, caffeine or tobacco, it is also advisable to avoid heavy meals before going to sleep and it is recommended to lead an active life, exercising regularly, but allowing at least three hours to pass between the end of exercise and the time of sleep. go to bed
Can’t sleep? Try these tips: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. (sf-c). https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/patientinstructions/000853.htm
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