It was the prediction of some experts has finally been fulfilled: the impact probability With the land of Asteroid 2024 YR4 It has fallen to 0.0050% in NASA data, 0.0016% according to the European Space Agency (ESA). Moreover, intergalactic rock It is no longer a threat that has to be monitoredsince the risk on the Turin scale, which caused the UN for the first time to activate the planetary security protocol, has reached zero.
Although it seems that the car will continue to be monitored. As advanced this Monday The countrythe world’s largest space telescope, the James Webb NASA, will continue with the plan to observe More in detail the asteroid when it can no longer be seen with telescopes from Earth.
Asteroid 2024 YR4 was discovered on December 27, 2024 in the Atlas Telescope (Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System) in Río Hurtado, Chile and from that moment it caught the attention of experts. Shortly after their discovery, automatic asteroid alert systems determined that the object had the possibility of Impact with Earth on December 22, 2032.
According to the data provided this Monday by NASA, it is estimated that the rock is around 57.35 meters in diametera relatively small size, and that travels through space at 13.32 kilometers per second. In the event that it would finally impact the planet, it would do so 17.27 kilometers per second.
As he reported a few days ago 20 minutes he astrophysicist From the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia José María Madiedo“At first, as new observations are being made, there is a tendency for probability to increase, but if it continues to study for a longer time, Change down. In fact, in all objects that have been detected so far, that probability has been so down that the impact risks have finally been dismissed.
The expert also warned that, in case of impact with the Earth, there would be a devastation at the local level, that is, the asteroid, composed mainly of iron and magnesium silicates, It would end an area similar to that of the island of Gran Canaria. Although it seems that the racing car will finally pass. We will have to wait for the next measurements to know with certainty the destination of 2024 YR4.
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