Steve Jobs is considered one of the most influential technological minds of the 21st century, the founder of Apple is responsible for a revolutionary leap in smart devices, and even many years after his death his advice and visions of the world continue to be an example for generations to come.
Thanks to him, Today Apple is one of the most respected, admired and successful technology companies in the world. This, among other factors, is because its leaders, among whom Jobs stands out, are because They had a way of working and seeing the world different from the rest, which helped them reach the top.
When it comes to innovation, the company is currently somewhat more stagnant and many people point to the personality of the company’s current CEO, Tim Cook, as one of the reasons for this. The problem of Cook is that “it’s too normal to be revolutionary,” something from which not even he himself hides, in the same way that he never falls short in praising the exploits of his predecessor.
It was in an interview at the end of October for The Wall Street Journal, where Cook once again pointed out one of the skills that Jobs possessed that allowed him to make the company grow so much. during the years in which he was the CEO. In Cook’s eyes this is a “brilliant ability”, and although it may not seem like a big deal to you, the truth is that it is not as common as we might think, especially when it comes to a boss or leader like Jobs was.
This quality is that of being able to change your mind on any topic when someone presents you with an alternative different from what you would believe. Cook confesses that in the first years working with Jobs he was surprised by this attitude, and even saw it as something negative, however, as the years went by He ended up seeing it as one of his greatest virtues.
He not closing in, and being open “when new evidence of things is presented”, It may not seem like a big deal, but knowing how to leave egos aside and learn from others to reinforce the weakest points of your ideas or opinions can help form them better and have a more accurate and complete vision.
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