In the last year, 24% of the most active global stock market funds have managed to outperform the MSCI World, the main benchmark index to which numerous investment products are usually referenced to measure their performance. Within the 330 funds that make up the Global League of the active management of, 80 investment vehicles ended last year with a revaluation of more than 17% with which the main international equity index closed, highly conditioned by the strong weight of the North American stock market.
Of these 80 funds, almost half are products with a Spanish seal, as they belong to domestic firms. In fact, Bulnes Globaladvised by Javier Morales for the private banking network of Caja Rural, concluded last year with a 36.45% profitability, which allowed it to place itself as leader of the classification, an award that it revalidates for the second consecutive year. And among the ten best by revaluation there are also two other Spanish funds, Rural RV International Standard and Arquia Banca Leaders of the Future Awith 29.78% and 29.26% profitability, respectively.
This performance has been obtained, like many other funds, thanks to the fact that among the main positions are several of the Magnificent Seven as well as other technological stocks, related to semiconductors or pharmaceuticals listed in the United States, in a year in which the The S&P 500 ended up 23.31% and the Nasdaq 100, up 24.88%.
The data of Bulnes Global It is commendable because it has managed to more than double the trajectory of the MSCI World and surpass the main North American stock market indices. Funds from international managers, such as Goldman Sachs Global Future Generations Equity Portfolio EUR, Invesco Global Founders & Owners, MainFirst Global Equities Fund A, MainFirst Global Equity Unconstrained, Acadian Sustainable Global Equity, Sycomore Fund Global Happy@Work EUR and UBAM Global Equity A EUR They finished last year among the ten best, with returns that ranged between 33.81% for the first and 29.53% for the second.
Low performance
These profitability data of the funds present in the Global League They lead to the conclusion that just because you are more active in management, you are not more likely to obtain a better return. And they are in line with a study carried out by LSGE on the performance of the funds last year, which shows that of the almost 14,000 variable income investment vehicles that exist in the world, including those with an ESG seal, only 31% managed to outperform their benchmark index.
The report highlights that almost half of the poor performance of funds is due to the cost they apply, a crucial issue for the investment industry at a time when Europe is discussing the application of regulations, known as value for moneywhereby investment products have to demonstrate their best performance if they want to charge investors more.
Specifically, the LSGE study indicates that the average commission of variable income funds is 1.471%, so, according to this consultancy, it can be attributed that approximately 45% of the worst behavior that these products have compared to their reference indices is attributable to their higher cost.
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