A humpback whale has swallowed a man who made kayak near the coast of Chile. The events occurred last Saturday while the 24 -year -old He practiced canoeing In the Strait of Magallanes with his father, who at that time was recording his son and could capture the moment in which the mammal attacked him. “I thought I had died, that something had eaten me,” the young man told Chilean television.
The images show the young – called Adrián Simancas and a native of Venezuela – removing, when the whale appears and attacks it. Then Adrián and his boat disappear. Seconds later, the young man goes to the surface and then reappears his kayak. “Hold on the boat”his father shouts. Adrián pays attention to him and remains floating next to the boat until his father reaches to help him.
“When I was reaching the end of that section I felt a blow that lifted the bow of the boat, I thought it had been a wave But it was too big and strong to be a wave, “Adrián said to the Chilevisión chain.” When I turned I felt that Something dark and white touched my face and approached me from the right and from the left. I ‘hugged me’ completely, “he continued.
“When I sank and put everything dark The life jacket threw up“Adrián narrated. Specifically, the young man estimates that he was about three seconds submerged in those who” did not know what was happening. “
“I heard as if I had burst a strong wave behind me and when I turned I did not see Adrián or the boat. They had disappeared. In two seconds he shot up and then the boat came out. Then I saw part of a whale, “said his father, who He has confessed to having felt “terror” when his son disappeared from his sight.
Seeing that his son was fine and that he could move felt a great relief, something also felt Adrian when he saw his calmer father. He has also indicated that Not despair was the best attitude that he could have taken and to have known how to act in emergency situations was of great help.
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