Although in our homes we always try to hide it so that it is not seen, the Wi -Fi router is one of the most important elements of the home, since without it we would not have an internet connection and today this is crucial to perform practically Any activity or procedure.
And it is that apart from hiding it, and despite the fact that we use it every day, the Wi -Fi router is a great unknown to us, since they install them the first time we do not usually worry about it again unless something happens to you. And, for example, the different lights emitted by this device each have a different functionality as well as the different buttons serve something different.
In this article we are going to focus on a section that many do not know, but it serves to Solve several connection problems, just as you can help you improve the speed and stability of your Wifiwe are talking about DNS.
What is the DNS and what is it for
DNS means domain name systemand refers to a technology that allows you to know the IP address of the domain you are looking for to find your device. That is, when you write a web address as “”, the DNS is responsible for translating that name into a numerical IP address that computers understand.
The reason you should change it reside that the DNS servers of your Internet provider are usually reliable, but they are not always the fastest or efficient. When changing them for other audiences and specialized, you can obtain a faster name resolution, which translates into a more agile web navigation.
Benefits of changing the DNS of your Wifi router
- Higher speed: When using faster DNS servers, web pages will be loaded faster.
- Less latency: Ideal for online games and video calls, as it reduces communication delay.
- Greater security: Some DNS servers offer additional protection against malware and phishing.
- Content block: You can choose DNS servers to block unwanted websites or inappropriate content.
How to change your wifi DNS
- Access your router configuration: aBre web browser and write the IP address of your router in the address bar. In general, it is 192,168.1.1 or, but may vary.
- Enter the username and password that your Internet provider provided you or that you have configured.
- Look for the WAN or Internet configuration section: LA exact location may vary according to your router’s model, but it is usually in the Internet connection configuration section.
- Modify DNS servers: BUsca the fields where the IP addresses of the DNS servers are entered.
- Replace the current DNS addresses you want to use.
Some of the most popular DNS servers are: Google Public DNS: and; Cloudflare 1.1.1 and; OpenDNS: and It should be noted that not all routers allow you to change the DNS, so if you do not find the option, consult the manual of your router or the technical support of your Internet provider.
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