PODCAST | Erdogan’s kidnappings

Erdogan has been in power for more than 20 years. Since 2003 as prime minister, since 2014 as president. Conservative and Islamist socially, liberal economically, very opposed to freedom of expression, Erdogan has known how to make himself necessary for the European Union: the alliance of civilizations, the management of Syrian refugees, mediation between Israelis and Palestinians, or its role regarding Russia or Syria.

All this has given Erdogan room for his latest repressive operation. A network of kidnappings of political opponents abroad to illegally bring them to Türkiye. There is a journalist from elDiario.es who has been investigating and collecting details for years and has just published them in a book called ‘They will feel the breath of Türkiye on the back of their neck’. Javier Biosca is the head of international at elDiario.es, with whom we spoke about these kidnappings and the importance of Türkiye in political geostrategy.


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#PODCAST #Erdogans #kidnappings

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