The blue tongue It has already killed thousands of animals in Spain. A situation in which measures have been taken so that livestock farmers avoid these losses and the spread of the disease in the different autonomous communities.
And the reactions from agricultural organizations have not been long in coming. From Asaja Aragón they have positively valued the elimination of bureaucracy and bureaucratic obstacles for farms and producers. animal movements throughout the peninsular territory when there are no symptoms.
In addition, its general secretary, Ramón Solanilla, has also described the voluntariness of vaccines against bluetongue, which is contemplated within the agreement reached last week in the RASVE Committee (Veterinary Health Alert Network) of which the autonomous communities and the Ministry of Agriculture are part.
This measure leaves the door open for livestock farms adopt the vaccination schedule to the management of the farms, taking into account the mating calendar, gestation and summer periods, among other aspects. Furthermore, vaccination will be voluntary of the four serotypes (1, 3, 4 and 8).
These measures are complemented by the commitment on the part of the Government of Aragon to purchase of vaccines for serotypes 4 and 8 between January and February and for serotype 3 in the month of March. An initiative that has also been well received by the agricultural organization.
However, Asaja Aragón has been critical of the MAPA’s actions in relation to vaccine acquisition functions. An area in which they consider that the ministry is abandoning its functions, apart from transferring this responsibility to the autonomies. In this sense, they have pointed out that “it has already been done with the management of the EHE and, now, with the purchase of the bluetongue vaccine.”
The objective is that the current Vaccination Eradication and Control Program is no longer applied to move to a Prevention Strategy throughout the peninsular territory, according to the agreement of the RASVE Committee. A change that occurs, mainly, due to the lack of vaccine stocks, as well as the fact that there are autonomies with the four serotypes, the rapid and sudden dispersion in some territories, have been pointed out by the agrarian organization.
The situation in Aragon
At the moment, in Aragon, the Executive has committed to financing vaccines 4, 8 and 3 on a temporary basis during this year. Thus, between the General Directorate of Quality and Food Safety and the agricultural organizations and ARABOVIS, Vaccination will be carried out in the currently suspended areas with serotype 4 and 8.. This is the case of Huesca, Sos and Ejea. In those areas not suspended, it will be the ranchers who decide its application.
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