The Government knocks down the appeal of the ultra ACOM association against the 860,000 euros from the Ministry of Bustinduy to UNRWA

The Council of Ministers has rejected the replacement resource filed by the ultra Action and Communication on the Middle East association (ACOM) against the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, of November 19, 2024, by which a contribution from the Ministry of Human Rights to UNRWA in the amount of 860,000 euros was authorized to alleviate situations of disability resulting from the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

After the November decision of the Council of Ministers, aimed at helping the population in a situation of disabilities resulting from the ongoing genocide in Palestine, on December 23, the Zionist association ACOM presented an appeal against the Government’s agreement with the in order to revoke aid.

This Tuesday’s decision by the Council of Ministers implies the rejection of the appeal presented by ACOM, and means moving forward with the help of 860,000 euros. The agreement of the Council of Ministers also indicates that all the appropriate legal procedures for its processing have been followed, so there is no appeal or stoppage.

Fixing ACOM

In May 2024, the ultra ACOM association already filed a contentious administrative appeal against the Ministry of Social Rights for the letters sent to Spanish companies in the Middle East to remind them of their obligations in terms of due diligence and respect for International Human Rights Law.

The Minister of Social Rights urged Spanish companies with notable activity in Israel to adopt the necessary actions to prevent them from contributing to human rights violations in Gaza. “This is an initiative that seeks to find solutions to end the genocide in Palestine and is framed as another action in the political line of the Government of Spain that seeks to recognize the State of Palestine and promote its entry as a full member.” at the UN”, they explained then in Social Rights.

In July 2024, the contentious-administrative chamber of the National Court rejected ACOM’s appeal after finding no irregularities.

ACOM also published a harsh statement against Minister Bustinduy in October 2024 after the ministry recalled in a circular the obligation to correctly label products that come from territories occupied by Israel in Palestine. The letter was a cluster of attacks as a “pyromaniac minister and describes the government as a “criminal association.”

Against this Tuesday’s decision of the Council of Ministers, ACOM can present a contentious-administrative appeal before the corresponding jurisdictional body within a period of two months.

Journalistic investigations have revealed that ACOM had influential politicians such as Juan Carlos Girauta on salary, who received 2,000 euros per month from ACOM for consulting work, as published by Public.

ACOM has been identified as an association close to right-wing and extreme right-wing postulates, and also for its repeated attacks against left-wing political forces.

#Government #knocks #appeal #ultra #ACOM #association #euros #Ministry #Bustinduy #UNRWA

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