Despite Benitaalso known as Master Joaodecided to share with his followers his gender transitionit wasn’t until Monday night Bake Off when he announced it to his companions. “I would like, from now on, to be able to be Benita“, he said.
After the declaration, the contestants had to cook cupcakes. The jury members left the room and Paco Roncero left without giving explanations. “He went out to run an errand,” Pilar explained.
When he returned, at the beginning of the second test, he brought something with him. “Benita He has an apron that doesn’t belong to him“, Paco pointed out. “I’ve gone to look for this one for you,” he handed him one with his new name embroidered on it.
The psychic could not help but get emotional and cry because of the detail. “We know how important it is to you,” he encouraged. Paula Vazquez. “Now it’s all Benita!” the protagonist pointed out to herself.
“Mom, I’m here“, he stated looking at the sky the contestant The classmates were very excited and applauded the sentimental scene with pride. “We hope it gives you good luck,” the presenter finally wished her.
#Maestro #Joaos #emotional #moment #Bake #Benita