The minister of Equality, Ana Redondohas used a quote from the New Testament, Galatians 3:28, recriminating the attitude of the parish priest of Torrecaballeros (Segovia) that has denied communion to the mayor of that town, the socialist Rubén García de Andrés, due to “his sexual condition” and “living as a couple”, as denounced by the councilor himself.
In this context, Redondo has written a message on the social network there is no slave nor free; “There is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.”
Furthermore, the minister has insisted that “the good news of the Gospel is the brotherhood and love against all forms of discrimination”.
For his part, the mayor of the municipality has accused of “homophobia“to the Bishopric of Segovia after what happened, which he himself denounced in a publication on his profile on the social network he is “forbidden to receive holy communion” for the reasons stated.
García de Andrés has indicated that the parish priest made a query regarding this to the Bishopric of Segovia, which, via email, responded that “the doctrine is clear“, after which the priest decided to deny him communion.
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