This Thursday Manu touched the boat of Pasapalabrawhich was at 1,078,000 euros, since the Madrid native was about to complete the 25 letters of The Rosco.
The veteran contestant was the first to start playinganswering two questions that Roberto Leal asked him, consuming 15 seconds of the 159 accumulated in the day’s program.
Rosa then faced The Rosco with 117 seconds, responding correctly to six letters before passing word for the exchange of shifts to begin.
The Galician was the first to reach the Z with 19 hitsbut only with 17 seconds of time to face the second lap. Manu, for his part, did it with 17 hits and 50 seconds.
With a tie of 20 hits, Rosa made the most of the seconds she had (10): “Let’s try”stated the contestant. And he played it on the Q and made his first mistake.
In the end, He ran out of time with 21 hits and one errorleaving Manu alone in the race for The Rosco. The Madrid native reached 23 hits with 24 seconds left, but he made a mistake on the F.
with that error He ran out of options to win the jackpot of more than one million eurosbut he won The Rosco of the day, so Rosa will have to risk her continuity in Pasapalabra in The Blue Chair in the next program.
#Manu #verge #winning #million #euros #Pasapalabra