Sumar’s former spokesperson, Íñigo Errejónhas asked the judge to postpone his statement as an investigator, scheduled for January 16, in the case opened against him for an alleged crime of sexual assault to the actress Elisa Mouliaá.
Legal sources have informed Efe that the head of the Court of Instruction number 47 of Madrid has already sent the request to the Prosecutor’s Office of Sumar’s former parliamentary spokesperson to rule on whether to postpone the court date. Then you will make the decision.
Judge Adolfo Carreterowhich is investigating a complaint by the actress against Íñigo Errejón, scheduled the statements of the complainant for next January 16 and, an hour and a half later, of the person under investigation.
He did so by reopening the case that had been put on hold for several weeks due to the sick leave of the actress’s lawyer.
The co-founder of Podemos resigned from all his positions last October after anonymous complaints that would point to him spread on networks. The actress Elisaá Mouilá filed a complaint against him with the Police in which she reported having received touching, non-consensual kisses and comments of a sexual nature from the former deputy in 2021. The former Big Brother contestant also did so. Aida Nízaralthough his complaint was filed due to statute of limitations.
#Íñigo #Errejón #asks #judge #postpone #statement #investigated #sexual #assault #Elisa #Mouliaá