HE has just celebrated the Extraordinary Draw of the ‘El Niño’ 2025 Lottery on this Monday, January 6, in which a total of 770 million euros in prizes have been distributed. The draw took place in the State Lottery and Betting Drawing Room, in Madrid.
The issue is 55 series of 100,000 notes eachat the price of 200 euros per ticket, divided into tenths of 20 euros. The total issue amounts to 1,100 million euros and 70% of the issue is allocated to prizes, that is, 770 million euros.
Winning number of the third prize of the Children’s Draw 2025
The number 66777 has been awarded the second prize of the Extraordinary Draw of the ‘El Niño’ Lottery 2025. This prize is endowed with 250,000 euros per series.
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