Those who were not lucky in the Christmas Lottery Draw have a new opportunity to try their luck in the Child’s Drawone of the most anticipated and which also puts an end to two weeks of Christmas holidays.
The El Niño Draw has become the second most important of the National Lottery. There are documentary references dating back to 1868, but it was in 1941 when it was established with its own personality and name. The development of the Sorteo del Niño as we know it now dates back to 1966 since it was in that year that it began to be celebrated through the Multiple Drum System.
How the Children’s Raffle works
This is the determining system to know how the draw works. They prepare five automatic drums with their corresponding deposits to house the ballswhich are presented to the public numbered from 0 to 9.
When all the drums are loaded with the 10 balls in question and everything is in order, the draw begins and each drum releases a ball. When the ball is drawn each number is shown to the public with a table.
Each number drawn from the drum corresponds to tens of thousands, units of thousands, hundreds, tens and units, respectively. There is also a hype that indicates the amount of the prizes.
Order of the Child’s Draw
The Children’s Lottery draw begins at 12:00 p.m. Prizes are drawn from lowest to highest.
The draw begins with five two-figure draws, then it is the turn of the 14 three-figure draws and two four-figure draws. Once these prizes are known, the third, second and first prize will be known in that order.
Two four-figure extractions: they distribute 20 prizes of 3,500 euros to the series and 350 euros per tenth
14 three-figure extractions: 1,400 prizes of 1,000 euros are distributed to the series and 100 euros to the tenth
Five double-digit extractions: 5,000 prizes of 400 euros are distributed to the series and 40 euros per tenth
Two approximations for the numbers before and after the first prize: 12,000 euros for the series and 1,200 euros per tenth
Two approximations for the numbers before and after the second prize: 6,100 euros for the series and 610 euros per tenth
Hundreds and refunds:
99 prizes for the remaining 99 numbers of the first prize hundred: 100 euros for the tenth
99 prizes for the remaining 99 numbers of the second prize hundred: 100 euros for the tenth
99 prizes for the remaining 99 numbers of the third prize hundred: 100 euros for the tenth
99 prizes for tickets whose last three figures are the same and are arranged like the figures of the first prize: 100 euros to the tenth
99 prizes for tickets whose last three figures are the same and are arranged like the figures of the second prize: 100 euros to the tenth
999 prizes for tickets whose last two figures are the same and are arranged like the figures of the first prize: 100 euros to the tenth
9,999 refunds for tickets whose last figure is equal to the first prize: 20 euros per tenth
10,000 refunds for banknotes whose last figure is equal to the one obtained in the first special extraction of a figure: 20 euros per tenth
10,000 refunds for banknotes whose last figure is equal to the one obtained in the second special extraction of a figure: 20 euros per tenth
The prizes of the Children’s Raffle
The big prizes are smaller compared to the draw on December 22, although they also leave juicy amounts.
First Prize: 2,000,000 euros per series and 200,000 per tenth
Second Prize: 750,000 euros per series and 75,000 per tenth
Third Prize: 250,000 euros per series and 25,000 per tenth
As with the rest of the draws, in those prizes over 40,000 euros, the Treasury retains 20%.
The Children’s Lottery Draw is celebrated this Monday, January 6 at 12:00 p.m. in the State Lottery and Betting Drawing Room. The Draw lasts approximately half an hour.
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