The satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo will publish next Tuesday new cartoons about religion. These will be included in a special issue that the French weekly has prepared for mark the tenth anniversary of the jihadist attack that targeted its editorial office in Paris.
“It will be a double issue of 32 pages” of which 300,000 copies will be printed and that it will be on sale for two weeks, explained the editor-in-chief, Gérard Biard, in an interview with the newspaper Western France. In it, he also said that it will include a survey in France on the right to caricature, blasphemy and freedom of expression.
“This study goes against preconceived ideas and shows that the French population that is supposed to be less tolerant of this freedom, in reality is widely and increasingly so,” advanced Biard, who did not want to give the precise results. For the editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdothese results reinforce the weekly newspaper’s determination to “continue doing its job.”
On January 7, 2015, two terrorists (brothers Chérif and Saïd Kouachi) Twelve people were murdered in his attack on the editorial office of this satirical publication in the center of Paris, which was under protection and had been the subject of constant threats for having published controversial caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad since 2006.
The attack generated a great commotion around the world and the following weekend brought out millions of people on the streets to demonstrate, particularly in Paris, where heads of State and Government from dozens of countries attended.
On the day of the tenth anniversary, a official tribute of the Paris City Hall where the French president, Emmanuel Macron, will be present, and which will be the subject of extensive media coverage.
On the same Tuesday there will also be a tribute to the four fatal victims of a attack on a Jewish supermarket of Paris that took place two days after the attack on Charlie Hebdo.
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