Four years after the creation of the minimum vital income (IMV), this benefit they receive in Spain more than 730,000 homes continue to have problems of operations that harm the most vulnerable families, the last of which is the claim for payments from Social Security that these families cannot afford.
To report it, around thirty groups and social and neighborhood intervention entities has manifested this Saturday in Madrid, as he has been doing for the last three years, on this occasion coinciding with the sentence of a court in Córdoba that has ruled in favor of a mother do not have to return the 13,000 euros that the National Social Security Institute (INSS) was suing him for improper payment.
This ruling is based on the doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which establishes that administrative errors should not be corrected at the expense of the beneficiary, especially if he acts in good faith and is in a vulnerable situation.
The spokesperson for the platform that brings together these entities, Roberto Laborda, explained that, given that the INSS takes more than a year to update benefits, “generates debt which he then asks for from the families” and which they cannot return because it is the money they use for their “survival”.
Laborda has pointed out that the INSS itself recognizes that this problem lies in the fact that “does not have updated the computer tool” and has maintained that “in four and a half years they could well have fixed those computer problems.
The spokesperson for the Hontanares Avanza platform has assured that one in every four beneficiary families is receiving refund requests for errors in the procedure and recalled that the Ombudsman has ruled in favor of the administration not demanding the return of amounts whose amount is too high for the income of the vulnerable family.
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