Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, recognized for his decade of leadership in the United Kingdom (1997-2007), has launched the Spanish edition of his latest book, ‘About leadership. Lessons for the 21st centurypublished by Profit Editorial. The book, a manual to understand the challenges and skills of political and governmental leadership in the contemporary world, is already among the best sellers worldwide.
In this work, Blair shares the principles that, in his experience, are essential for running a government in the dynamic and complex context of the 21st century. The book addresses issues such as the effective organization of the center of government, the strategic planningthe hiring of suitable personnel, the crisis management and unforeseen events, and the balance between short-term achievements and long-term structural changes.
Likewise, Blair dedicates chapters to topics such as investment attractionthe reform of public systems such as health and education, and the guarantee of citizen security. In particular, it highlights the importance of governments taking advantage of the opportunities of technological revolutiona challenge that, according to the author, will mark the success or failure of nations in the future.
‘Lessons for the 21st Century’ combines Blair’s personal experiences with observations gleaned from his work with political leaders and governments around the world. The leader has commented that this book is the manual that he would have wanted to have in his hands when took office in 1997. «My goal is to offer a master class in leadership based not only on my successes, but also in my mistakes», he stated during a recent presentation.
The Spanish edition, which is available for 19.95 euros, also includes a prologue in which the author reflects on the impact of globalization and current political challenges in the world. Spanish-speaking area.
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