That the issue of the amendments on the LGTBIQ+ acronym was going to generate confrontations in the Federal Congress of the PSOE it was sensed. This media reported it last Sunday. Some socialist voices even predicted that there would be more controversy with this issue than with regional financing. This is how it has happened.
On Saturday night in Seville it emerged that the conclave commission that had to approve or reject some amendments on equality had decided on two thorny issues. On the one hand, leaving the term LGTBI instead of LGTBI+ as the socialist leadership intended.
The 40th Federal Congress, held in 2021 in Valencia, approved using only the acronym LGTBI. But in the Ministry of Equality LGTBI+ is used through the specific general direction dedicated to defending these rights. The “Q”, according to the sources consulted, was included by mistake in the PSOE framework presentation that was debated in Seville. The goal of the socialist leadership was to include the “+” at least.
On the other hand, it was learned that an amendment had been approved, coming from the Guadalajara delegation, to veto the participation of people of the “male sex” in sports competitions for women.
After both votes in the plenary, the sector of self-proclaimed “classical feminism” and represented by figures such as Carmen Calvo, celebrated it in the same Congress with chants of “long live the women’s struggle” and an evident effusiveness that was witnessed by attendees and journalists.
The obvious commotion generated between LGTBI+ groups and left-wing parties has tried to be stopped by Ferraz. The socialists are already in contact with the groups to transfer their position. Your Secretary of LGBTI+ Policies, Victor Gutierrezre-elected this weekend, spoke to the media before entering the first meeting of the new Executive of Pedro Sánchez, where the issue arose internally, according to socialist sources. Gutiérrez also attended some television interviews and wrote several messages on social networks.
The socialist leader has recognized that the approval of the amendments is a “serious error” that represents the majority sentiment of the PSOE. And he has defended that the PSOE will continue “working to guarantee the rights of all members of the group, without exception.”
“This in no way affects trans people, because trans people who have correctly completed their sex registration change are considered in this case a trans woman“, explained Gutiérrez about the amendment relating to sport.
The leader of the PSOE has criticized that this amendment opens the door to “unprotect” minorssomething that in their opinion they cannot allow because they are the most vulnerable trans people. “The PSOE cannot be there and we are not in that, it contravenes the laws that we have approved. It will not have any practical effect,” he stated in Four.
Why was the vote lost?
Socialist sources insist that the party’s position is clear. That it is a debate, that of trans issues, that was already addressed and overcome at the time during the last legislature. But they recognize that there are a “very organized” sector that maneuvers to impose its positions.
To understand the reasons for the loss of this vote, we must know How the Federal Congresses of the PSOE work. The federations elect a series of delegates, supposedly representative of the militancy. These people are in charge after being distributed among the commissions to carry out the pertinent votes.
The usual thing is that these votes are reached with the majority’s sense of the amendments being clear. Or that they have reached prior agreements. But this was not the case. Socialist sources recognize that this hostile group against trans people had been better organized and achieved their objectives.
At this point, some sources point out, as this media already reported, the role of the current Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo. In fact, he left the Executive according to some sources for not being characterized by his involvement in stopping some debates that were already over, such as that of trans people. These same sources point out that their inaction has caused situations such as those experienced this Saturday in Seville.
However, other sources consulted relieve Redondo of responsibility. They consider that since the writing of the presentation No background work has been done or agreements have been made with all sensitivities to negotiate possible discrepancies. Something that did happen in the previous Congress, the very refined text arrived at the conclave and no votes were lost. And the responsibility here would come from those responsible for the commissions and the presentation. “There will always be minorities who want to make noise, but if they had worked differently this would not have happened,” these sources point out.
“What is clear is that we should not be talking about this,” highlights a socialist leader. The situation has caused some members of the PSOE to speak out about it on social networks. An example is the socialist spokesperson in the Madrid City Council, Reyes Maroto, who used the acronym LGTBIQ+ to congratulate himself on the news that the Supreme Court authorized the use of the rainbow flag in public buildings.
The holding of the PSOE conclave has once again placed a group of vulnerable people in the middle of the public debate. “The image was embarrassing”socialist sources point out about the sector that celebrated what they consider “a victory.” In Ferraz they insist that he does not represent the majority of the PSOE while trying to temper spirits among the groups.
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