Two months after the meeting “Towards an Authoritarian Turn? Italy and Europe between Neoliberalism and the Restriction of Democracy”, which was held on June 20 at the Spazio Sette bookshop in Rome, the Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità and Volere La Luna have published the e-book that collects the interventions of the participants, including scholars, activists, movements and organizations of active citizenship, political forces.
The meeting and the e-book were born with the intent to deepen, both from a social and institutional and political perspective, the deep authoritarian dynamic that is running through Italy, Europe and the world. Starting from this analysis: the assumptions of neoliberalism have produced inequalities, impoverishment and poly-crisis defining a scenario that not only cannot promise just futures, but tends to govern with authoritarian systems the outcomes and contradictions opened by increasingly unsustainable inequalities.
The e-book, downloadable for free from the website Inequalities and Diversity Forum and from that of Wanting The Mooncollects, among others, essays by Alessandra Algostino, Fabrizio Barca, Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, Franco Ippolito, Andrea Morniroli, Annamaria Palmieri, Livio Pepino, Enrica Rigo, Nadia Urbinati. The texts are the result of a subsequent revision by the authors.
“A necessary publication, because what has further happened in the country, in Europe and in the world in these last two months does nothing but confirm the concerns regarding the increasingly evident intertwining of neoliberalism and authoritarianism, making the answer to the question posed in the title almost obvious. But the country is also full of experiences, movements, forms of civic engagement and social self-organization that continue to relaunch political proposals that indicate alternatives. On the other hand, we can glimpse, in the parties and social movements, a climate in which some signs of willingness to seek unitary paths of mobilization against neoliberalism emerge, with proposals capable of declining environmental and social justice and the needs of the most vulnerable”, comment Andrea Morniroli, co-coordinator of the Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità, and Livio Pepino, president of Volere La Luna.
“This e-book”, conclude Morniroli and Pepino, “is intended for people and organizations that in the stormy sea try every day to keep a course contrary to the authoritarian drift and that want to try to change and build a new collective thought”.
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