The forecasts indicate that this weekend it should exceed 400,000 spectators. As of Thursday, it had carried 385,000 people. Chabuca, the biopic of Ernesto Pimentel, produced by Tondero and by the same figure from América Televisión, since its premiere on April 11, has experienced a lot of controversy, morbidity, homophobia and limitless curiosity. We spoke with the screenwriter and playwright Eduardo Adrianzén to take a look at this phenomenon and topic of conversation on all the tables and social networks.
“In general, I must say, disclaimer, that I like the film, I find it interesting. It is a well-made, well-acted, well-produced film that obviously has a point of view. I would have liked to talk more about TV, but it is not possible because, first, perhaps there was no time; second, because in any case television is a medium in which Ernesto works and it is not the topic that interests him. In any case, it is not a plot point that interests him because ultimately the film is his film.”
-What do you think that happened? At what point is that interest exponential?
—The film tells part of his life. And the character is based on a real relationship he had. From there, a whole chain reaction is set up due to the wonderful vocation that Peru, especially Lima, has to put together a narrative of gossip and 'Oh, but this was like that, it was like that'. Then, a contrast is made, something returns that no one remembered anymore, that that person existed, that he published a book, it is resurrected by the pure morbidity of gossip and gossip and all that stuff that is so Lima, so Ña Catita de wanting to talk about something that is not known. The story of Chabuca is the story of the actor Ernesto Pimentel who tells how he conceives the character of Chabuca from him and from everything that he draws from him. The rest is air and slime for me.
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—There are people who are remembering things from that time…
—That is the viceregal, gossipy region, about which everyone believes they have something to say. That is as Lima-like as the dungeon. There are people who make a living from it and have made it their own personal industry as well. They are people who have used this particular Lima obsession of gossip and judgment of other people's lives as their personal enterprise, so, evidently, this has given the bud of pleasure so that even the cat speaks. Ernesto is the boxer's pear because he is successful and it's over.
—And the homophobic wave?
—That has always existed. My theory is that they swallowed Ernesto with soda, they had to ignore him because he is a nice character who does his job well and they ignore the fact that he is actually a drag actor and that's like 'ah, oh'. And there is a magic wand that says 'but he is a homosexual who has great success on television.' He has been his whole life, and yet it's like finding a thread to see how he rubs someone and bursts all that homophobia that remains on a separate level. But it is reality. Ernesto has always been a drag performer with a television show and everyone thought it was hilarious, and now, suddenly, what happens. It's like finding something to see how I'm going to rub you because you have a flank and that's where I'm going to throw the pin or the knife at you.
—The judgment of other people's lives has overflowed. Everyone has an opinion.
—The networks need a boxing bag from time to time, someone to finish off. The man from Lima was happy to see how a witch was burned in the Inquisition. Nothing fascinates him more in life. But this is not just Peruvian. The fascination of seeing someone burned, tortured, comes from the Roman Colosseum, but, let's say, going to see the guillotine was going to a party. Seeing another destroyed is a way of releasing a very strong aggressiveness that all humans have. How to call it? It is a strange universe of people who live and make the destruction of others their business. So, once that is installed and not only in Peru, it becomes, of course, the prey of the month, and if there is a movie involved, and if there is a very successful person involved, it is the perfect victim. The bonfire needs a character that Peruvian machismo wants to burn, that's what. And the public will ask for it until they get bored, but it will happen and another one will come.
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—Have we seen ourselves more viceregal than ever?
I believe that we have never stopped being viceregal. And that is very Lima, not regional, at least that's what I get the impression. I think it's very Lima to see what boxer's bag I have these days to destroy it and to throw away the aggressiveness, the prejudices and all the filthy part that we have and that we humans have, but in this case they hold on, of course, because He is someone popular like the case of Pimentel. The pretext will always be that justice must be done to the person who died, also a tragic, sad death. The rest for others who want to earn something because there are a lot of people who want to earn something. Pimentel is so clear about his priorities, his job, he already did what he wanted. He made the film about him with the testimony of his life as he wanted to tell it and he already achieved that. And it's a success, great.
#Ernesto #boxer #successful